Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Household's Black Hole

My household has a blackhole.

Every now and then i suddenly remember that i once had a shirt, or a jumper...then i wonder why I havent seen it for ages. Matter that was once in this dimension, is now gone. The Result: there is a black hole.

Okay so MOST of the time, i will allow some room to think that PERHAPS i may have just misplaced the item of clothing, but a few days ago, i was led to believe that there IS a gravitation field in my household, and the event horizon is somewhere around my 3rd-from-the-top cupboard.

So I come home wearing my school uniform, and naturally i take off my socks. Later in the day a friend was coming around so i mindlessly collected all the clothes littered on my floor and chucked them into this said cupboard (i.e. the event horizon). Next day i have to get ready for school and one of my socks is GONE.

No, its not missing, no it hasnt been's GONE. It has entered the black hole, gravity too strong for it to resist, and was sucked into it, perhaps in another dimension at this point.

Does anyone else suffer from this undesired household feature? I'm interested to know...


1 comment:

Weighted Companion Cube said...

The weighted companion cube suggests an emergency aperture science incinerator.