Saturday, November 17, 2007

Here we go again!

Hello ....hello...hello....hello

Hello cyberspace and everyone else out there. This is beginning of another blog of doug's!

If this is your first time that you have ever seen me write a blog then you don't have to worry.

But, if youve seen this sort of thing before...I KNOW what you're thinking....

"Oh boy, here we go again with another weak blog of doug's going by, already on its way to crash and burn, just like every time" *looks at Mister-T*

but, to those of you who think that, i implore you to think again. Sure this blog might go down just like every blog of mine has. But consider the differences

this time i have made a blog, not just for the sake of making a blog, but i do think that i have some things to say this time around. Within the last month or more there have been plenty of occasions where i would think, read, hear or hold a viewpoint about something and want to write it down and tell the world (i.e. a Blog). And now i have begun this blog...

so lets hope this blog is more fruitful than my last blogs...

Doug's blog awaits you...

1 comment:

Danny said...

I look forward to future posts.

And what's this about people abandoning their blogs? I mean, I've never done that .. :P
