Saturday, November 17, 2007


I have just recently gotten Facebook to work, and even though i have done barely anything with it, i am already loving it much more than MySpace.

Myspace never really clicked properly with me. I would consider every now and then, usually after seeing a horrific Myspace page with women with barely anything on them that i should just delete my MySpace account and never come back. Not to mention the terror it is to look at some of the MySpace layouts that you get. A great man once said (imitating the producer of MySpace)

"ooo lets make a social network where we give kids absolute control of what their space looks green text on pink background!"
- Frase T. (2007)

But FACEBOOK on the other hand has everything you would ever need in myspace, except it loses a wad of advertising, near-nudity and the control to totally destroy the already set HTML code.

The BAD side of Facebook however, is ofcourse alot less people i know use it. This sortof problem is obviously not caused by facebook, and isnt really a critism of what has been created, yet its a negative feature about it. Although, then again i have many friends who i wouldnt see on MySpace that i do see on Facebook, so everything cancels each other out.

The moral of this story, GET FACEBOOK.



Alistair said...

Facebook is pretty good.

And DOUG has a blog! :O

Weighted Companion Cube said...

This is rather curious for you Doug. Facebook is one of the major obstacles for googles open standard for social networks and is partly owned by Microsoft.
Not that myspace is a shining beacon of glory or anything...

Anonymous said...

you quoted me wrong :P
