Saturday, November 17, 2007

Instant Messaging

As a proud member of the iGeneration I have grown up with the use of instant messaging programs like MSN, its just a simple part of my life just like alot of people my age.

But im learning more and more that this simple part of one's lifestyle can have negative effects.

First of all, theres the obvious reason that MSN and the like take up alot of time, but i am finding that the use of internet chatting has bad affects on your relationships.

I have heard it said once that 80% (or around about) of communication when we are face to face with somebody comes from body language. So none of that communication shows up when you are sending emails, posting on MySpace, or sending a txt. Sure, there are emoticons available but they cant give as deep a message as real life can. With this hole in communication, you can get to know ABOUT somebody, what they like, what their opinions are, but you wont really get to KNOW who they are and what they are like to be around i think.

Okay, so im not saying these things are bad and that everyone should avoid them, i mean, i love these means of communication, but i reckon theres a limit sometimes

I only really see the affects of these communication mediums when you are talking to somebody on msn MUCH more than you see them. You will start to lose idea what they are like in "real life" and then find it difficult to meet with them in real life.

So its something ive been thinking about, the more i use these programs...


1 comment:

Weighted Companion Cube said...

Your forgetting XMPP allows the transfer of deep emotions and body language, only the best with this open source protocol.

"The weighted companion cube will never try to kill you" - The weighted companion Cube