Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Filmic Games

Now with this new computer running, and due to cold thats put me out of school, ive had a chance to try out some games on the leading edge of technology. Ive tried the Crysis demo, the Bioshock demo and some Colin Macrae DiRT. Particularly for the first two games listed, I've noticed that games are becoming more and more like films. Where instead of interesting activities and challenges are the focus of your experience, the games manage to tell a story, with dialogue, musical score, lighting and sound FX - basically a film with a much deeper involvement.

Peter Jackson, director of the LOTR series and King Kong, plans to produce video games set in the Halo universe. Although being the film director he is, he refers to these proposed games being "filmic games". I think this concept of filmic games is gradually going to become more popular overtime.

On a not-so-separate note, 2K's video game, Bioshock, is actually going to the silver screen, being directed by Gore Verbinski (Directed Pirates of the Carribean and The Ring). Perhaps along with this idea of filmic games, there will be a rise in game-to-film adaptations like this among others (Hitman, Resident Evil, DOOM). Perhaps instead of what we say now, that is something like: "The book was much better than the film", we'll start saying: "I thought the game was better than the film"

Just my thoughts...

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