Friday, February 22, 2008 day

ii aapplogggiizze iff myy fingersss aare sttickking to the keyboard...its just TOO HOT

Here, i am sitting in my bedroom...two fans on me...still rather hot and still rather damp from my own sweat...

At some point now i need to keep working on this English assignment. I have already been to library to get some news articles for it this morning (on my bike). I had then coincidentally decided to go home at theoretically the hottest hour of the day...!

So i think now ive recovered from that trip after drying myself with a towell and about an hour of sitting in front of these two fans...and now its 4 o'clock i think the worst of the day is over...

I made it...



Frank said...

My fan is broken :(
I think the right word for this particular type of heat would be 'ridiculous'.

Oh and I had to move furniture today, which didn't really help the situation.
...yet another reason why the sun is the enemy of Frank.


Alistair said...

meh, I have air con :)