Thursday, February 28, 2008

FlickerFest '08

Yesterday, i had the privilege to attend the opening night of FlickerFest this year.

It is a international short film festival that screens award winning productions (that go for no longer than 40mins) from around the world.

There were funny films, and there were serious films. Films that just entertained, others that made a deep use of film conventions and positioning techniques to get a message across.

Mostly, it would seem that the funny the film was, the less it would stack up to the others in terms of filming prestige. However, my favourite, an animation involving stick figures from the USA, incorporated plenty of humour, with a strong theme to it. The director used not just dialog, stick figures and sound effects, but used some "real" images around the place coupled with some rather eeryie sounds.This created a much deeper effect on the viewer than you would have expected from an animation with stick figures.

So i learnt last night that i quite enjoy short film festivals, and i want and plan to attend more in the future


Sunday, February 24, 2008

MSN-Free Week

For all of my loyal fans that still read this somewhat retired blog, I would like to point out that I am having a (nearly) whole week free of msn.

Starting tomorrow (monday) i am going without all communication involving MSN Messenger and other clients that use its protocol. I am to do this up until approximately 3.30pm on Friday when my weekend technically starts...

wish me luck!

Friday, February 22, 2008 day

ii aapplogggiizze iff myy fingersss aare sttickking to the keyboard...its just TOO HOT

Here, i am sitting in my bedroom...two fans on me...still rather hot and still rather damp from my own sweat...

At some point now i need to keep working on this English assignment. I have already been to library to get some news articles for it this morning (on my bike). I had then coincidentally decided to go home at theoretically the hottest hour of the day...!

So i think now ive recovered from that trip after drying myself with a towell and about an hour of sitting in front of these two fans...and now its 4 o'clock i think the worst of the day is over...

I made it...
